Frequently Asked Questions


If you have a question which is not in this section, please contact us:



Annual dues – how and where do I pay it?
You can mail your check to:

The Building Blocks
2001 Central Ave. NE
Minneapolis MN 55418
How much are the membership dues?
Annual dues are $25. You may also choose to pay more: $50 or $100.

Can I still join if I can’t pay?
Yes, you may still join if you are financially unable to pay the dues. Also, students are
exempt from payment.

What are the membership dues used for?
Dues are used to finance member activities such as general assembly meetings, the annual Eid party, etc.

Do I need any special skills to volunteer in any of the groups?

  • In general, no special skills are required for service teams and volunteers can
    “learn on the job.” Coordinators will brief volunteers if any type of additional training is required (For instance, members of Muslim Care who visit the sick may need to familiarize themselves with HIPAA and other hospital regulations.)
  • For support teams, volunteers are required to have some relevant experience or expertise in that area e.g. IT, graphic design, finance.

I want to join the Building Blocks. Where do I sign up?

To sign up as a Building Blocks member, please click here.

How many teams can I join at a time/ What if I want to change teams?

  • We recommend that you join one primary service team at a time so that you can focus on the work within that team. You may also sign up for a support team.
  • However, membership across different teams is not restricted.

What of kind time commitment does volunteering involve?

  • Time spent is completely dependent on an individual’s availability and the ongoing activities within the group (For instance, if the group is planning for an event, it may meet more often and volunteers may put in more hours).
  • Please let your coordinator know how many hours you’re available each week — we appreciate whatever amount of time you are able to give for the sake of Allah. 

How can I find out about meetings/ When do you usually meet?

  • Coordinators will send out e-mails of upcoming meetings to team members
  • Meetings and events notices are also posted on the general members list and website calendar